Monday, December 6, 2010


Blogging in this class was not my first time. I had to do it for my biology class last semester. At times I will have to say it was a drag to do. I wouldn't say that I hated it but I wouldn't say I loved it either. I think I will end up keeping my blog just in case another class asks me to blog too. I enjoyed quite a few blogs which are the ones I commented the most. My last words for my classmates is I truly enjoyed your blogs and hope you well in the future.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mark Bittman video:
I found Mark Bittman to be boring, what he was saying was true though. People now a days are consuming more calories than they should. I was surprised to find out that the food pyramid is not accurate. He went on to mention when frozen food and fast food was started. Also how the way we eat has changed dramatically in the past years.
Jamie Oliver video:
I found Jamie to be very interesting. I was amazed when he went to the elementary school and most of the children didn't now what the vegetables were called. Also I was stunned by the size of the coffins that are now being made for obese people. The way America eats now needs to change, if not then people are going to start dying at younger ages. I truly feel that fast food should get healthier or be banned.
Ann Cooper:
Ann Cooper's speech caught my attention because I have brothers in elementary school right now. The food they are being serve is garbage. I cant believe that a person in prison is given more money to be there than what kids are getting to eat at school. I feel that kids should have a class in school where they are taught what they should eat. That could help lower the obesity rates that are now sky rocketing.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Important people

One person who is truly important in my life is my dad. My dad is 6'1 and muscly. Most people who see him before meeting him are intimidated by him but once they meet him they fall in love with him. He is what all the young people call the “cool dad”. We bump heads a lot of but our fight don't last long. My dad would be the most important person in my life because he has always been there through everything and I feel secure with him.
The second most important person in my life is my sister. Ever since I can remember she has been by my side. We both lived with my mom together and we both moved with my dad together. Shes about 5'6 and light complected. My sister is what I call the “Hippie” in the family. Shes very loving and anti fighting. We do have our occasion scuffles but they only last for a few hours. What makes her important is shes always by my side . Also she cooks for me all the time.
The third person who is important in my life is my younger brother. He is 11 years old, dark, and rocks a spiky hair do. He is the one I consider my “sidekick”. He's my comrade in going to skateboarding events. He's always into what I'm into and always tags along. We even have a bro code. I know he looks up to me as a role model which is why I try to point him in the right direction. I am very protective. I don't like anyone messing with him.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pacific Sunwear is awesome!

Pacific Sunwear or “Pac Sun” as I like to call it happens to be my favorite store. It is located at the Pacific View Mall on the second floor. The store is not really big but not small either. As you walk into the store there is guy clothes on the left and the girl clothes on the right. The newest arrivals are always in the front. The cash register is located in the middle of the store. On the left side of the cash register are the guy hats and belts. Then on the right side of the cash register are the girls accessories and scarved. Towards the back are the sale items and shoes. The store is filled with skater, surfer, and motocross brands. For example: RVCA, Volcom, Fox, Rusty, DC, Kirra, element, Nike, and many more. The prices range from under $10 to over $100. They usually have really good sales in the beginning to the middle of the week. The environment inside the store is very friendly and upbeat. The employees always greet you when you walk in and even help you pick out different things. I personally think if you young you should shop there, or at least go check out the store. If you cant make it to the store or you want check out the online exclusives you can also go online to and shop there. Online there is always the daily deal, where they put up something for the guys and something for the girls for a cheaper price. Online you do have to pay shipping though so it will be a little more than at the store, unless they have a free shipping promo. Hopefully you will take my advice and check it out and hey you might fall in love with it too.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fast Food is EVIL

Since reading the Fast Food Nation book by Eric Schlosser I have cut down on my fast food intake. Right now I would say I have it twice a month, and it’s not from McDonalds. This book really shed some light on the truths about fast food. I now cant look at the food the same. I find myself not loving the taste like I did prior to reading this book. I like the fact that Schlosser told the truth about the meat and poultry companies. They have so much control that it makes our government look weak. The fact that the government has the power to recall toys but not the meat we eat is mind boggling to me. I’m personally not a big beef eater but I definitely could not survive with out chicken. Now having read this book it makes me look at all meats differently. I find myself wondering if this meat was properly check, which it probably wasn’t, or if this piece of meat will be the death of me. I have actually pondered the idea of going vegetarian but then I think of bacon and it goes out the window. I think everyone should read this book. It is a good way to find out what’s really going on in our society. Fast food is trying to take over the world and it is up to us to show them they cant.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

School :(

My truth: I want to marry Paul Walker.

School for me is boring! I’ve never liked it and I don’t think I ever will. If it wasn’t for this recession we’re in I wouldn’t be attending college. My parents say it’s either school or a job you pick. The only time I thought school was ok was in preschool and that’s because we didn’t do anything and we had nap time. Now it’s be in class for hours and gets loads of homework so that when your not in school you still do work. I was never an A student I was more of an average student. I was never and still not an over achiever. The kids that were always doing more than the teacher asked always bugged me because I felt like the teacher looked at the rest of us average students like why don’t you try harder too. Which wasn’t going to happen because I was just not that into school. I actually had truancy letters sent home because I would ditch classes that I didn’t want to go to which were usually math and English. Which was to my dads surprise because he thought I was going to class everyday. The school would threaten to fine if I didn’t go but I got three letters and was never charged so I guess they lied to try to scare me. To this day I still complain everyday about school and the work load that I get, which is more than all my other years that I’ve been in school. Especially in English class(cough cough). I feel like you have to really know what you want in life to be driven to actually go to school. Then you don’t mind doing all the work because you know that at the end you will get what you want.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I love to lie

1. I met big foot

2. My idol is Miley Cyrus

3.I drink 4 cups of coffee a day

4.I want to marry Paul Walker

5.I have a fish named Henry

6.I've surfed in Santa Barbara